The Worst Kept Secret in Healthcare… Physical Therapy!

The number of people in pain that affects their ability to go about their valued activities is growing daily. According to The Journal of Pain, the annual cost of chronic pain in the United States is as high as $635 billion per year, which is more than the yearly costs for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

As cost continue to escalate and pain continues to limit those suffering, what can be done?!

This is where physical therapists can make a true difference!

Very few people know who physical therapists are and if they do, how they can help with limitations from pain. Physical therapists are trained at a doctorate level in subjects such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology alongside your other trusted healthcare professionals, such as medical doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, etc. They are the movement experts and can help you recover from an injury or pain and return to your life!

Your physical therapist will do this by initially performing a thorough physical examination to determine if you may need a referral to see another healthcare professional and if not, what is limiting you from performing your cherished activities. They will educate you about your condition and your specific plan. Next your physical therapist will implement a hands-on treatment approach that can include manual therapy to help decrease your pain sensitivity and exercises/activities to return you to being able to perform the activities you love. Your treatment will be tailored to your specific needs. As you progress you will be taught specific self-management techniques and activities to continue your progress at home. This will help you to know what to do if your pain should ever reoccur. Typically if your pain just started affecting your activities, your physical therapist can quickly get you back up and going. If you have been suffering from chronic/persisting pain, it may take longer to get you back to your functional activities. In any case, your physical therapy treatment should always be focused on an active approach, progressing you toward your goals as tolerated.

Another misunderstood concept about physical therapists is you need your medical doctor to refer you first. In Louisiana you are allowed to go to directly to see your physical therapist. As noted above, through a physical examination, your physical therapist is the best healthcare professional to determine if you need a referral or if you are appropriate for treatment. Physical therapy treatment has been shown to be a safe, cost-efficient, and effective strategy to decrease your pain and improve your quality of life!

Yours in health,
Michael Hildebrand, PT, DPT, COMT

  • M3 Physio Owner/Doctor of Physical Therapy – Mobile Physical Therapy – We meet you where you are to get you where you want to be!
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